Monday, January 28, 2019

January 7, 2019 Email

The Come Follow Me program^ doesn't really affect us as missionaries.  We talk about it at dinners with members, but that's about it.  At nights it gets pretty chilly but being from Montana, I can stand it.  Not being as cold as everyone else is the only thing I can rep.  We have a dinner appointment every night.  Sometimes we have 2 a night.  All the food is good so that just means I get fatter.  I've gained like 10ish pounds since I've been here, but hopefully it's mostly muscle.  We have a gym in our apartment complex, so we work out for an hour every morning except Monday and Wednesday because that's when we have zone sports.

So we had a baptism this week.  It was a guy that they have been teaching for 5 months and he finally committed.  The font didn't fill up fast or at the right temp because of the water heater, so we had to boil water and throw it in to help it get there.  We did that for about an hour.  It was a miracle that he was baptized and that the font worked out.

The other day we had a really good lesson with this one lady.  We were going over to do a Book of Mormon read but when we opened the door she was bawling.  Her friend had committed homicide and then suicide so we talked to her about the spirit world, kingdoms of glory, and Jesus Christ.*  After we had talked to her for a while she left twice to get stuff.  The first time she walked out I bowed my head and prayed that we would be able to help her.  The second time the Spirit told me to give her a blessing.  So, when she left I turned to Elder Berrett and I said that we need to give her a blessing.  She is an inactive member.  We gave her a blessing and she couldn't thank us enough.  We were there for 2 hours talking with her about all the trials she has gone through.  Her husband also is inactive and he dropped the f bomb the first time we were there, but we had dinner and did service for them a couple of days ago and he appreciated us so much.  After we left their house, the wife called us and said that we were in Queen Creek for a reason.  After we left the husband wanted to read the Book of Mormon and wanted to go to church the next day.  They both showed up at church on Sunday and stayed for the 2 hours.  Hopefully, we can do a lot of good with them and their family.

We also have a baptism lined up for Friday which is way cool.  I also gave my first blessing yesterday to an old woman.  It wasn't as good as I thought it would be, but it was okay.  She said it helped and that's all that matters.  Although it sounds like everything is hunky dory, it is rough here.  I suck at talking to people.  I try and it's like I don't know anything.  I'm struggling with just talking to people and it sucks so much.  I'm not feeling like a good missionary.  Hopefully this stuff comes over time.  I'm going to be a greenie for the next 23 months.  Hopefully time starts to fly by fast.  I feel like I've been here forever.  Anyways, it's all been good-ish.


Elder Smith

^The Come Follow Me program is a new curriculum used church-wide to help members in their personal/family/congregational worship to live, learn, and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ.

*Long before the Creation of this earth, our Heavenly Father provided a plan that made it possible for us, His children, to become like Him.  This plan is called the plan of salvation.  Understanding this plan give us greater purpose in life.

Before this mortal life we lived with God and His spirit children, without physical bodies.  We chose the Father's plan, which included the Creation of this earth and provided us the opportunity to come here to gain a body, make choices, develop faith, and accept responsibility for our actions.  This allows us to progress beyond what was possible in the spirit world when we live with God.

Sin and death are alos part of mortality.  The Father send His Son, Jesus Christ to provide a way to overcome sin and death.  This He did through an act called the Atonement.  Through Christs atoning sacrifice, we can repent of our sins and someday live with God and with our families forever.

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February 11, 2019 Email

Hey guys!  I hope you are having a great Monday! This week was jam packed for me.  We had a temple trip Wednesday, zone conference Thursda...